No Shortcuts.

The goal is to plant a self-sustaining, indigenous church amongst an unreached people group in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. Throughout the process, we will learn the Kuyu language & culture, translate the Bible into the Kuyu language, and disciple the people until they have a mature understanding of Christ's work on the cross.

Stage 1 - National Culture & Language Acquisition

Year 1 - 2020

Once missionaries arrive to the field, they will begin the process of national culture and language acquisition. It is imperative to learn the national language and culture simultaneously in order to reach a level of fluency to be able to function in the host country. While we eventually will be living in a remote tribe with its own unique culture and language, it is essential that we are also fluent in the language of wider communication. The best way to go about this process is through the avenue of relationships. Building relationships among the nationals not only establishes trust for us being there but also creates opportunities to learn in a fluid way through cultural events and natural situations that are not forced.

Stage 2 - People Group Assessments

Year 2 - 2020-2021

People group assessments are the next step once a team of 3 missionary families is formed. They will work to identify a strategic people group that is ready to hear the gospel. Depending on the location of the potential tribe, the surveys may be done by plane/helicopter, hiking, canoe, and sometimes a variation of all of these options. The purpose of the surveys is to understand the surrounding geography of the tribe and what that will mean for travel, as well as to touch base with the leaders and gain a formal invitation to live among them.

Stage 3 - Allocation

Year 3 - 2022

Once a people group has been identified, the missionary team will sign land agreements with the leaders of the village and begin to develop an entrance strategy for allocation into the bush. For the Kuyu people, which is a helicopter-only location due to the rugged terrain, a shuttle location was identified to shorten the flight time for the helicopter to reduce expenses and increase speed.

Stage 4 - Housebuilding

Year 3 - 2022

Building a house in a remote location is no easy task. Spanning the course of 6-9 months, the missionary team will develop house plans, purchase materials, transport the materials into the bush, and then begin building structures. The indigenous people are often eager to help in this process and the missionary team will begin modeling teamwork and discipleship to the people. Each house is equipped with solar, running water, and all of the necessary components to help missionaries thrive in the bush.

Stage 5 - Culture and Language Acquisition

Years 4-7

Like many of the tribes in PNG, the Kuyu have been trapped in animistic beliefs for decades. In order to share the Gospel effectively, we must have a deep understanding of their worldview and way of life. The language and culture will be learned simultaneously, a task that usually takes 2-5 years to reach proficiency. The goal is to become insiders in their community to earn a platform to share the Gospel.

Stage 6 - Literacy

Year 8

Literacy is an essential element of a mature church. Papua New Guinea is primarily an oral culture, meaning little to no documentation has been done of any of the remaining 400+ unreached people groups scattered throughout the country. In order for the Kuyu people to understand and grow in God’s Word, they need to be able to read and write in their own language.

Stage 7 - Chronological Teaching

Year 9

We will teach chronologically from creation to Christ, and tell the Kuyu people the grand story of redemption that God has been writing since the foundation of the World. After 6 months of teach, we pray that a church would be born amongst the Kuyu people. This is where the hard work of discipleship begins and will continue for several decades.

Stage 8 - Translation

Years 10-20

We want to be able to leave the people with God’s Word so they can read, understand, and apply it to their lives for generations to come. This is no small task and usually takes decades to complete. The missionary team will focus on translating the main narratives portions of the old testament paired with a complete New Testament.

Stage 9 - Discipleship & Teaching

Years 10-20

Translation is just one step in the process to maturity. Jesus commands His disciples to “Go and make disciples.” Once the church is born, the hard work begins. Just as a new parent guides and directs a child for decades before they leave the home, we aim to support the church until they are able to appoint elders and sustain growth without the missionaries.

Stage 10 - Phase-Out

Years 15-20

The goal is not to live in Kuyu forever, but to “equip the saints for the work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4:12). From our initial move into the village, we aim to hand things off with the intention of the local believers taking ownership of the ministry. This process is long and messy, but beautiful to watch as the church functions on their own.